DS Waldman is the author of the poetry collection Atria (Liveright/WW Norton, 2026). His poems have appeared in The Atlantic, Boston Review, Kenyon Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, ZYZZYVA, and many other publications. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and recipient of Poetry Society of America’s Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, Waldman lives and teaches creative writing in New York City. He’s at work on a novel.

“Calder” Poetry Society of America.
“Notebook Fragments” American Poetry Review
“Virga” Poetry Society of America.
“A Love Poem” Los Angeles Review of Books
“You Asked About Longing” Kenyon Review.
“Vivaldi in the Park” Narrative.
“A Love Poem” Copper Nickel.
Essays Interviews Misc. Prose
“Low Poetics: On Cubism, Disability, and Verse” Lithub.
“A Poetics of Failure” LitHub.
“Getting Out of the Way: The Quiet Poem” Poetry Northwest.
“How Do You Know It’s Over?: A Roundtable on Poetic Closure” Mentor & Muse
“For the World to Love Us Back: On CAConrad’s Amanda Paradise: Resurrect Extinct Vibration.” Adroit
“Breathing into the Divine: On Jessica Jacobs Ordinary Immanence" 32 Poems
“Museum of Mirrors: On Wayne Miller’s We The Jury” Poetry International.
“A Conversation with Dawn Lundy Martin” Poetry International.
Honors Awards Press
Winner Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, Poetry Society of America
Runner-up Poetry Society of America 2022 Chapbook Fellowship (Their Way With You, chosen by Kazim Ali)
Finalist Georgia Review’s 2021 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize (selected by Arthur Sze)
Winner 2019 Foothill Editor’s Prize (selected by Ishion Hutchinson)
This Spiral: John A. Nieves on D.S. Waldman’s “The Etiquette of Grief”
Click the link, if there is one, to read work available online
“Likeness” The Atlantic.
“Notebook Fragments” American Poetry Review.
”Leaving the Party​” Boston Review.
“A Love Poem” Los Angeles Review of Books. ​
“Calder” Poetry Society of America.
“The Köln Concert” ZYZZYVA.
Essays Interviews Misc. Prose
”Low Poetics: On Cubism, Disability, and Verse” Lithub.
“A Poetics of Failure: On the Truths Between Words” LitHub.
“A Bell to Toll Me Back: When Poems Break the Fourth Wall” Denver Quarterly.
“Getting Out of the Way: The Quiet Poem” Poetry Northwest.
“On the Style of Tongo Eisen-Martin” Los Angeles Review.
“For the World to Love Us Back: On CAConrad’s Amanda Paradise: Resurrect Extinct Vibration.” Adroit
“Breathing into the Divine: On Jessica Jacobs Ordinary Immanence" 32 Poems
“Museum of Mirrors: On Wayne Miller’s We The Jury” Poetry International.
“A Conversation with Dawn Lundy Martin” Poetry International.
Honors Awards Press
Winner Poetry Society of America’s Lucille Medwick Memorial Award (Calder, chosen by Jennifer Elise Foerster)
Runner-up Poetry Society of America 2022 Chapbook Fellowship (Their Way With You, chosen by Kazim Ali)
Finalist Georgia Review’s 2021 Loraine Williams Poetry Prize (selected by Arthur Sze)
Winner 2019 Foothill Editor’s Prize (selected by Ishion Hutchinson)
This Spiral: John A. Nieves on D.S. Waldman’s “The Etiquette of Grief”